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  • Joshua M

Top 5 Mistakes Made in VA Disability Claims

Filing for VA disability benefits can be a challenging process for many veterans. Whether it’s dealing with paperwork, deadlines, or understanding medical evidence, there are several common pitfalls that can make the journey harder. Here are the five most frequent mistakes veterans make when filing for VA disability claims and how to avoid them.

1. Not Providing Enough Medical Evidence

Medical evidence is the backbone of any VA disability claim. A frequent mistake is not supplying enough medical records to prove the disability. Veterans need to include:

  • Accurate medical diagnoses

  • Comprehensive treatment records

  • Expert opinions from doctors linking the disability to military service

Without enough medical proof, the VA may reject the claim. It’s crucial to gather all medical documents and consider getting a medical nexus letter from a doctor explaining how the condition relates to service.

2. Incomplete or Incorrect Forms

Filling out the VA’s application forms correctly is essential. Common mistakes include:

  • Leaving out required information

  • Providing outdated contact details

  • Not clearly describing the service-related injuries or illnesses

Even small errors can cause big delays. Double-check all forms before submission and consider having a Veterans Claims Specialist review them.

3. Missing Important Deadlines

The VA has strict deadlines for appeals and evidence submission. Missing these can be fatal to a claim. Key deadlines include:

  • Filing an appeal after a claim is denied

  • Submitting additional evidence within given timeframes

Keeping track of these dates is crucial. Missing a deadline can mean losing the right to appeal or add new information, which can hurt your case. Stay organized and aware of all deadlines.

4. Ignoring Secondary Conditions

Veterans often focus only on primary conditions and ignore secondary ones. Secondary conditions are health issues that occur because of a primary service-connected condition. For example, a veteran with a service-related knee injury might develop back problems due to altered walking patterns. By ignoring these, veterans might miss out on additional benefits. Thorough medical evaluations can help identify secondary conditions, which should also be included in the claim.

5. Not Seeking Help from Professionals

Filing a VA disability claim is complicated, and many veterans try to do it alone. This often leads to mistakes and missed details. Seeking help from representatives like VSOs, Veterans Claims Specialist, or attorneys can make a huge difference. These experts can:

  • Guide veterans through the process

  • Help gather and submit necessary documents

  • Represent veterans during appeals


Navigating the process of filing for VA disability benefits can be challenging, but it doesn't have to feel overwhelming. By steering clear of common pitfalls—such as submitting incomplete forms, missing critical deadlines, providing insufficient medical evidence, overlooking secondary conditions, and not seeking professional guidance—you can significantly enhance the likelihood of a successful claim. Paying close attention to details and planning ahead are crucial steps in making this journey smoother. If you're uncertain at any point, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. For more personalized assistance, contact our Claims Specialist agents at Spartan Consulting at 858-886-8994 or


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