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  • Joshua M

Understanding VA Disability Ratings

Updated: Jun 28

August 10, 2023|Disability, Disability Ratings, Education, Service Connection, Understanding Ratings, VA, Veteran Affairs


For veterans who have served their country, the transition to civilian life can be both rewarding and challenging. Among the challenges faced, the process of securing VA (Veterans Affairs) disability benefits stands as a crucial step towards receiving the support deserved. However, understanding VA disability ratings can often seem complex and daunting. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key aspects of VA disability ratings, providing a comprehensive guide to help veterans navigate this important journey.

What are VA Disability Ratings?

VA disability ratings are a way to measure the extent of service-connected disabilities a veteran may have incurred during their military service. These ratings determine the amount of compensation and other benefits a veteran is eligible to receive. Ratings are typically assigned on a scale from 0 to 100%, with higher ratings indicating more severe disabilities.

Factors Considered in Rating

To determine the disability rating, the VA evaluates various factors, including the medical evidence provided by the veteran, relevant medical records, and the severity of the condition. The VA takes into account how much a disability affects a veteran's ability to work and perform daily activities.

The rating process involves assessing both the primary disability and any secondary disabilities that may have arisen due to the primary condition. Secondary disabilities are often related to the primary disability and can also contribute to the overall disability rating.

Navigating the Rating Schedule

The VA has a comprehensive rating schedule that outlines different disabilities and their corresponding ratings. This schedule, known as the "Schedule for Rating Disabilities" or "VASRD," categorizes disabilities under different body systems and provides guidelines for rating levels based on the severity of symptoms.

It's important for veterans to understand that the VA rates disabilities according to their impact on earning capacity, not necessarily based on the specific diagnosis. Therefore, two veterans with the same diagnosis may receive different ratings if their symptoms and functional limitations vary.

Claiming and Evidence

To initiate the process, veterans need to file a claim for disability compensation. This involves submitting relevant medical records, treatment history, and any supporting evidence that demonstrates the connection between the disability and military service. Including as much detail as possible is crucial to ensure an accurate rating.

Medical Examinations

In some cases, the VA may require veterans to undergo a Compensation and Pension (C&P) examination. During this examination, a VA-appointed doctor assesses the severity of the disability and its impact on the veteran's daily life. The findings from this examination play a significant role in determining the disability rating.

Appeals and Reassessments

If a veteran disagrees with their assigned disability rating, they have the right to appeal the decision. The appeals process involves providing additional evidence or requesting a higher-level review of the case. Veterans can also seek a reevaluation if their condition worsens or if new evidence comes to light.


Understanding VA disability ratings is essential for veterans seeking the support they rightly deserve. Navigating the intricacies of the rating system can be overwhelming, but armed with the right knowledge, veterans can ensure they receive a fair and accurate evaluation of their service-connected disabilities. By being proactive, gathering thorough evidence, and leveraging available resources, veterans can successfully navigate the path to securing the benefits that honor their sacrifices and contributions. Remember, assistance from veteran service organizations and legal experts can provide invaluable guidance throughout this process.

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